Module inanis::state::text::fen

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  • Converts Board into the EPD.
  • Converts Board into the FEN.
  • Converts castling rights from the board into the FEN chunk.
  • Converts en passant from the board into the FEN chunk.
  • Converts epd into the Board. Returns Err with proper error message if epd couldn’t be parsed correctly.
  • Converts fen into the Board. Returns Err with proper error message if fen couldn’t be parsed correctly.
  • Parses FEN’s castling rights and stores them into the board. Returns Err with the proper error message if castling couldn’t be parsed.
  • Parses FEN’s en passant and stores it into the board. Returns Err with the proper error message if en_passant couldn’t be parsed.
  • Parses FEN’s fullmove number and stores it into the board. Returns Err with the proper error message if fullmove_number couldn’t be parsed.
  • Parses FEN’s halfmove clock and stores it into the board. Returns Err with the proper error message if halfmove_clock couldn’t be parsed.
  • Parses FEN’s pieces and stores them into the board. Returns Err with the proper error message if pieces couldn’t be parsed.
  • fen_to_stm 🔒
    Parses FEN’s active color and stores it into the board. Returns Err with the proper error message if stm couldn’t be parsed.
  • Converts fullmove number from the board into the FEN chunk.
  • Gets a value of the name parameters from the specified epd. Returns None if the parameter was not found.
  • Converts halfmove clock from the board into the FEN chunk.
  • Converts pieces from the board into the FEN chunk.
  • stm_to_fen 🔒
    Converts active color from the board into the FEN chunk.