use super::movescan;
use super::movescan::Move;
use super::movescan::MoveFlags;
use super::text::fen;
use super::*;
use crate::cache::pawns::PHTable;
use crate::engine;
use crate::engine::stats::SearchStats;
use crate::evaluation::material;
use crate::evaluation::mobility;
use crate::evaluation::mobility::EvalAux;
use crate::evaluation::pawns;
use crate::evaluation::pst;
use crate::evaluation::pst::*;
use crate::evaluation::safety;
use crate::evaluation::*;
use crate::tablebases;
use crate::utils::assert_fast;
use crate::utils::bitflags::BitFlags;
use crate::utils::bithelpers::BitHelpers;
use crate::utils::panic_fast;
use crate::Moves;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
pub mod CastlingRights {
pub const NONE: u8 = 0;
pub const WHITE_SHORT_CASTLING: u8 = 1;
pub const WHITE_LONG_CASTLING: u8 = 2;
pub const BLACK_SHORT_CASTLING: u8 = 4;
pub const BLACK_LONG_CASTLING: u8 = 8;
pub struct Board {
pub pieces: [[u64; 6]; 2],
pub occupancy: [u64; 2],
pub piece_table: [u8; 64],
pub fullmove_number: u16,
pub stm: usize,
pub null_moves: u8,
pub game_phase: u8,
pub state: BoardState,
pub state_stack: Vec<BoardState>,
pub pawn_attacks: [u64; 2],
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct BoardState {
pub halfmove_clock: u16,
pub castling_rights: u8,
pub en_passant: u64,
pub hash: u64,
pub pawn_hash: u64,
pub captured_piece: u8,
pub pst_score: PackedEval,
impl Board {
pub fn new_initial_position() -> Self {
Board::new_from_fen("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1").unwrap()
pub fn new_from_fen(fen: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
pub fn new_from_moves(moves: &[&str]) -> Result<Self, String> {
let mut board = Board::new_initial_position();
for premade_move in moves {
let parsed_move = Move::from_long_notation(premade_move, &board)?;
pub fn get_moves<const CAPTURES: bool>(&self, moves: &mut Moves, mut index: usize, evasion_mask: u64) -> usize {
index = movescan::scan_pawn_moves::<CAPTURES>(self, moves, index, evasion_mask);
index = movescan::scan_piece_moves::<KNIGHT, CAPTURES>(self, moves, index, evasion_mask);
index = movescan::scan_piece_moves::<BISHOP, CAPTURES>(self, moves, index, evasion_mask);
index = movescan::scan_piece_moves::<ROOK, CAPTURES>(self, moves, index, evasion_mask);
index = movescan::scan_piece_moves::<QUEEN, CAPTURES>(self, moves, index, evasion_mask);
index = movescan::scan_piece_moves::<KING, CAPTURES>(self, moves, index, evasion_mask);
pub fn get_all_moves(&self, moves: &mut Moves, evasion_mask: u64) -> usize {
let mut index = 0;
index = self.get_moves::<true>(moves, index, evasion_mask);
index = self.get_moves::<false>(moves, index, evasion_mask);
pub fn make_move(&mut self, r#move: Move) {
let stm = self.stm;
let nstm = self.stm ^ 1;
let from = r#move.get_from();
let to = r#move.get_to();
let flags = r#move.get_flags();
let piece = self.get_piece(from);
if self.state.en_passant != 0 {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_en_passant_hash(self.state.en_passant.bit_scan() & 7);
self.state.en_passant = 0;
match flags {
MoveFlags::SINGLE_PUSH => {
self.move_piece::<false>(stm, piece, from, to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, to);
if piece == PAWN {
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, from);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, to);
MoveFlags::DOUBLE_PUSH => {
self.move_piece::<false>(stm, piece, from, to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, to);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, from);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, to);
let sign = (stm as i8) * 2 - 1;
self.state.en_passant = 1u64 << ((to as i8) + sign * 8);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_en_passant_hash(self.state.en_passant.bit_scan() & 7);
MoveFlags::CAPTURE => {
let captured_piece = self.get_piece(to);
self.remove_piece::<false>(nstm, captured_piece, to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(nstm, captured_piece, to);
if captured_piece == PAWN {
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(nstm, captured_piece, to);
self.move_piece::<false>(stm, piece, from, to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, to);
if piece == PAWN {
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, from);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, to);
self.state.captured_piece = captured_piece as u8;
MoveFlags::SHORT_CASTLING => {
let king_from = 3 + 56 * stm;
let king_to = 1 + 56 * stm;
self.move_piece::<false>(stm, KING, king_from, king_to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, KING, king_from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, KING, king_to);
let rook_from = 0 + 56 * stm;
let rook_to = 2 + 56 * stm;
self.move_piece::<false>(stm, ROOK, rook_from, rook_to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, ROOK, rook_from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, ROOK, rook_to);
MoveFlags::LONG_CASTLING => {
let king_from = 3 + 56 * stm;
let king_to = 5 + 56 * stm;
self.move_piece::<false>(stm, KING, king_from, king_to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, KING, king_from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, KING, king_to);
let rook_from = 7 + 56 * stm;
let rook_to = 4 + 56 * stm;
self.move_piece::<false>(stm, ROOK, rook_from, rook_to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, ROOK, rook_from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, ROOK, rook_to);
MoveFlags::EN_PASSANT => {
self.move_piece::<false>(stm, piece, from, to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, to);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, from);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, piece, to);
let sign = (stm as isize) * 2 - 1;
let enemy_pawn_square = ((to as isize) + sign * 8) as usize;
self.remove_piece::<false>(nstm, PAWN, enemy_pawn_square);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(nstm, piece, enemy_pawn_square);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(nstm, piece, enemy_pawn_square);
_ => {
let promotion_piece = r#move.get_promotion_piece();
if flags.contains(MoveFlags::CAPTURE) {
let captured_piece = self.get_piece(to);
self.remove_piece::<false>(nstm, captured_piece, to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(nstm, captured_piece, to);
self.state.captured_piece = captured_piece as u8;
self.remove_piece::<false>(stm, PAWN, from);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, PAWN, from);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, PAWN, from);
self.add_piece::<false>(stm, promotion_piece, to);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, promotion_piece, to);
if piece == KING {
self.state.castling_rights &= match stm {
WHITE => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::WHITE_SHORT_CASTLING);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::WHITE_LONG_CASTLING);
BLACK => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::BLACK_SHORT_CASTLING);
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::BLACK_LONG_CASTLING);
_ => panic_fast!("Invalid parameter: fen={}, stm={}", self, stm),
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, KING, from);
self.state.pawn_hash ^= zobrist::get_piece_hash(stm, KING, to);
let from = if stm == WHITE { from } else { (1u64 << from).swap_bytes().bit_scan() };
let to = if stm == WHITE { to } else { (1u64 << to).swap_bytes().bit_scan() };
} else if piece == ROOK {
match stm {
WHITE => match from {
A1 => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::WHITE_LONG_CASTLING);
self.state.castling_rights &= !CastlingRights::WHITE_LONG_CASTLING;
H1 => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::WHITE_SHORT_CASTLING);
self.state.castling_rights &= !CastlingRights::WHITE_SHORT_CASTLING;
_ => {}
BLACK => match from {
A8 => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::BLACK_LONG_CASTLING);
self.state.castling_rights &= !CastlingRights::BLACK_LONG_CASTLING;
H8 => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::BLACK_SHORT_CASTLING);
self.state.castling_rights &= !CastlingRights::BLACK_SHORT_CASTLING;
_ => {}
_ => panic_fast!("Invalid parameter: fen={}, stm={}", self, stm),
if self.state.captured_piece == ROOK as u8 {
match nstm {
WHITE => match to {
A1 => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::WHITE_LONG_CASTLING);
self.state.castling_rights &= !CastlingRights::WHITE_LONG_CASTLING;
H1 => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::WHITE_SHORT_CASTLING);
self.state.castling_rights &= !CastlingRights::WHITE_SHORT_CASTLING;
_ => {}
BLACK => match to {
A8 => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::BLACK_LONG_CASTLING);
self.state.castling_rights &= !CastlingRights::BLACK_LONG_CASTLING;
H8 => {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_castling_right_hash(self.state.castling_rights, CastlingRights::BLACK_SHORT_CASTLING);
self.state.castling_rights &= !CastlingRights::BLACK_SHORT_CASTLING;
_ => {}
_ => panic_fast!("Invalid parameter: fen={}, stm={}", self, stm),
if stm == BLACK {
self.fullmove_number += 1;
if piece == PAWN || flags.contains(MoveFlags::CAPTURE) {
self.state.halfmove_clock = 0;
} else {
self.state.halfmove_clock += 1;
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_stm_hash();
self.stm = nstm;
pub fn undo_move(&mut self, r#move: Move) {
let stm = self.stm ^ 1;
let nstm = self.stm;
let from = r#move.get_from();
let to = r#move.get_to();
let flags = r#move.get_flags();
let piece = self.get_piece(to);
let captured_piece = self.state.captured_piece as usize;
match flags {
MoveFlags::SINGLE_PUSH => {
self.move_piece::<true>(stm, piece, to, from);
if piece == PAWN {
MoveFlags::DOUBLE_PUSH => {
self.move_piece::<true>(stm, piece, to, from);
MoveFlags::CAPTURE => {
self.move_piece::<true>(stm, piece, to, from);
self.add_piece::<true>(nstm, captured_piece, to);
if piece == PAWN {
if captured_piece == PAWN {
MoveFlags::SHORT_CASTLING => {
self.move_piece::<true>(stm, KING, 1 + 56 * stm, 3 + 56 * stm);
self.move_piece::<true>(stm, ROOK, 2 + 56 * stm, 0 + 56 * stm);
MoveFlags::LONG_CASTLING => {
self.move_piece::<true>(stm, KING, 5 + 56 * stm, 3 + 56 * stm);
self.move_piece::<true>(stm, ROOK, 4 + 56 * stm, 7 + 56 * stm);
MoveFlags::EN_PASSANT => {
let sign = (stm as isize) * 2 - 1;
let enemy_pawn_square = ((to as isize) + sign * 8) as usize;
self.move_piece::<true>(stm, piece, to, from);
self.add_piece::<true>(nstm, PAWN, enemy_pawn_square);
_ => {
self.add_piece::<true>(stm, PAWN, from);
self.remove_piece::<true>(stm, piece, to);
if flags.contains(MoveFlags::CAPTURE) {
self.add_piece::<true>(nstm, captured_piece, to);
if stm == BLACK {
self.fullmove_number -= 1;
self.stm = stm;
pub fn make_null_move(&mut self) {
if self.state.en_passant != 0 {
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_en_passant_hash(self.state.en_passant.bit_scan() & 7);
self.state.en_passant = 0;
if self.stm == BLACK {
self.fullmove_number += 1;
self.null_moves += 1;
self.stm ^= 1;
self.state.hash ^= zobrist::get_stm_hash();
pub fn undo_null_move(&mut self) {
if self.stm == WHITE {
self.fullmove_number -= 1;
self.stm ^= 1;
self.null_moves -= 1;
pub fn push_state(&mut self) {
pub fn pop_state(&mut self) {
unsafe {
self.state = self.state_stack.pop().unwrap_unchecked();
pub fn is_square_attacked(&self, color: usize, square: usize) -> bool {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
assert_fast!(square < 64);
let nstm = color ^ 1;
let occupancy_bb = self.occupancy[WHITE] | self.occupancy[BLACK];
let rook_queen_attacks_bb = movegen::get_rook_moves(occupancy_bb, square);
let enemy_rooks_queens_bb = self.pieces[nstm][ROOK] | self.pieces[nstm][QUEEN];
if (rook_queen_attacks_bb & enemy_rooks_queens_bb) != 0 {
return true;
let bishop_queen_attacks_bb = movegen::get_bishop_moves(occupancy_bb, square);
let enemy_bishops_queens_bb = self.pieces[nstm][BISHOP] | self.pieces[nstm][QUEEN];
if (bishop_queen_attacks_bb & enemy_bishops_queens_bb) != 0 {
return true;
let knight_attacks_bb = movegen::get_knight_moves(square);
let enemy_knights_bb = self.pieces[nstm][KNIGHT];
if (knight_attacks_bb & enemy_knights_bb) != 0 {
return true;
let king_attacks_bb = movegen::get_king_moves(square);
let enemy_kings_bb = self.pieces[nstm][KING];
if (king_attacks_bb & enemy_kings_bb) != 0 {
return true;
let square_bb = 1u64 << square;
if (self.pawn_attacks[nstm] & square_bb) != 0 {
return true;
pub fn are_squares_attacked(&self, color: usize, squares: &[usize]) -> bool {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
for square in squares {
if self.is_square_attacked(color, *square) {
return true;
pub fn get_attacking_pieces(&self, color: usize, square: usize) -> usize {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
assert_fast!(square < 64);
let mut result = 0;
let nstm = color ^ 1;
let occupancy_bb = self.occupancy[WHITE] | self.occupancy[BLACK];
let rooks_queens_bb = self.pieces[nstm][ROOK] | self.pieces[nstm][QUEEN];
let bishops_queens_bb = self.pieces[nstm][BISHOP] | self.pieces[nstm][QUEEN];
let king_attacks_bb = movegen::get_king_moves(square);
let attacking_kings_count = ((king_attacks_bb & self.pieces[nstm][KING]) != 0) as usize;
result |= attacking_kings_count << 7;
let rook_attacks_bb = movegen::get_rook_moves(occupancy_bb & !rooks_queens_bb, square);
let attacking_rooks_count = (rook_attacks_bb & self.pieces[nstm][ROOK]).bit_count();
let attacking_queens_count = ((rook_attacks_bb & self.pieces[nstm][QUEEN]) != 0) as usize;
result |= match attacking_rooks_count {
0 => 0,
1 => 1 << 4,
_ => 3 << 4,
result |= attacking_queens_count << 6;
let knight_attacks_bb = movegen::get_knight_moves(square);
let attacking_knights_count = (knight_attacks_bb & self.pieces[nstm][KNIGHT]).bit_count();
let bishop_attacks_bb = movegen::get_bishop_moves(occupancy_bb & !bishops_queens_bb, square);
let attacking_bishops_count = (bishop_attacks_bb & self.pieces[nstm][BISHOP]).bit_count();
let attacking_knights_bishops_count = attacking_knights_count + attacking_bishops_count;
let attacking_queens_count = ((bishop_attacks_bb & self.pieces[nstm][QUEEN]) != 0) as usize;
result |= match attacking_knights_bishops_count {
0 => 0,
1 => 1 << 1,
2 => 3 << 1,
_ => 7 << 1,
result |= attacking_queens_count << 6;
let square_bb = 1u64 << square;
let attacking_pawns_count = ((self.pawn_attacks[nstm] & square_bb) != 0) as usize;
result |= attacking_pawns_count;
pub fn is_king_checked(&self, color: usize) -> bool {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
if self.pieces[color][KING] == 0 {
return false;
self.is_square_attacked(color, (self.pieces[color][KING]).bit_scan())
pub fn get_piece(&self, square: usize) -> usize {
assert_fast!(square < 64);
let piece = self.piece_table[square];
if piece == u8::MAX {
return usize::MAX;
piece as usize
pub fn get_piece_color(&self, square: usize) -> usize {
assert_fast!(square < 64);
let piece = self.piece_table[square];
if piece == u8::MAX {
return usize::MAX;
(((1u64 << square) & self.occupancy[WHITE]) == 0) as usize
pub fn add_piece<const UNDO: bool>(&mut self, color: usize, piece: usize, mut square: usize) {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
assert_fast!(piece < 6);
assert_fast!(square < 64);
self.pieces[color][piece] |= 1u64 << square;
self.occupancy[color] |= 1u64 << square;
self.piece_table[square] = piece as u8;
self.game_phase += PIECE_PHASE_VALUES[piece];
if !UNDO {
let mut king_square = self.pieces[color][KING].bit_scan() % 64;
let mut enemy_king_square = self.pieces[color ^ 1][KING].bit_scan() % 64;
if color == WHITE {
enemy_king_square = (1u64 << enemy_king_square).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
} else {
king_square = (1u64 << king_square).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
square = (1u64 << square).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
let sign = -(color as i16 * 2 - 1);
let score = pst::get_pst_value(piece, US, king_square, square) + pst::get_pst_value(piece, THEM, enemy_king_square, square);
self.state.pst_score += sign * score;
pub fn remove_piece<const UNDO: bool>(&mut self, color: usize, piece: usize, mut square: usize) {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
assert_fast!(piece < 6);
assert_fast!(square < 64);
self.pieces[color][piece] &= !(1u64 << square);
self.occupancy[color] &= !(1u64 << square);
self.piece_table[square] = u8::MAX;
self.game_phase -= PIECE_PHASE_VALUES[piece];
if !UNDO {
let mut king_square = self.pieces[color][KING].bit_scan() % 64;
let mut enemy_king_square = self.pieces[color ^ 1][KING].bit_scan() % 64;
if color == WHITE {
enemy_king_square = (1u64 << enemy_king_square).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
} else {
king_square = (1u64 << king_square).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
square = (1u64 << square).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
let sign = -(color as i16 * 2 - 1);
let score = pst::get_pst_value(piece, US, king_square, square) + pst::get_pst_value(piece, THEM, enemy_king_square, square);
self.state.pst_score -= sign * score;
pub fn move_piece<const UNDO: bool>(&mut self, color: usize, piece: usize, mut from: usize, mut to: usize) {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
assert_fast!(piece < 6);
assert_fast!(from < 64);
assert_fast!(to < 64);
self.pieces[color][piece] ^= (1u64 << from) | (1u64 << to);
self.occupancy[color] ^= (1u64 << from) | (1u64 << to);
self.piece_table[to] = self.piece_table[from];
self.piece_table[from] = u8::MAX;
if !UNDO {
let mut king_square = self.pieces[color][KING].bit_scan() % 64;
let mut enemy_king_square = self.pieces[color ^ 1][KING].bit_scan() % 64;
if color == WHITE {
enemy_king_square = (1u64 << enemy_king_square).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
} else {
king_square = (1u64 << king_square).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
from = (1u64 << from).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
to = (1u64 << to).swap_bytes().bit_scan();
let sign = -(color as i16 * 2 - 1);
let score_a = pst::get_pst_value(piece, US, king_square, to) - pst::get_pst_value(piece, US, king_square, from);
let score_b = pst::get_pst_value(piece, THEM, enemy_king_square, to) - pst::get_pst_value(piece, THEM, enemy_king_square, from);
self.state.pst_score += sign * (score_a + score_b);
pub fn recalculate_hashes(&mut self) {
pub fn recalculate_pawn_attacks(&mut self, color: usize) {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
let pawns_bb = self.pieces[color][PAWN];
self.pawn_attacks[color] = match color {
WHITE => ((pawns_bb & !FILE_A_BB) << 9) | ((pawns_bb & !FILE_H_BB) << 7),
BLACK => ((pawns_bb & !FILE_A_BB) >> 7) | ((pawns_bb & !FILE_H_BB) >> 9),
_ => panic_fast!("Invalid value: color={}", color),
pub fn evaluate(&self, color: usize, phtable: &PHTable, stats: &mut SearchStats) -> i16 {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
let mut white_aux = EvalAux::default();
let mut black_aux = EvalAux::default();
let material_eval = material::evaluate(self);
let pst_eval = pst::evaluate(self);
let mobility_eval = mobility::evaluate(self, &mut white_aux, &mut black_aux);
let safety_eval = safety::evaluate(self, &white_aux, &black_aux);
let pawns_eval = pawns::evaluate(self, phtable, stats);
let eval = material_eval + pst_eval + mobility_eval + safety_eval + pawns_eval;
let sign = -((color as i16) * 2 - 1);
sign * eval.taper_score(self.game_phase) + params::TEMPO
pub fn evaluate_without_cache(&self, color: usize) -> i16 {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
let mut white_aux = EvalAux::default();
let mut black_aux = EvalAux::default();
let material_eval = material::evaluate(self);
let pst_eval = pst::evaluate(self);
let mobility_eval = mobility::evaluate(self, &mut white_aux, &mut black_aux);
let safety_eval = safety::evaluate(self, &white_aux, &black_aux);
let pawns_eval = pawns::evaluate_without_cache(self);
let eval = material_eval + pst_eval + mobility_eval + safety_eval + pawns_eval;
let sign = -((color as i16) * 2 - 1);
sign * eval.taper_score(self.game_phase) + params::TEMPO
pub fn evaluate_fast(&self, color: usize, phtable: &PHTable, stats: &mut SearchStats) -> i16 {
assert_fast!(color < 2);
let material_eval = material::evaluate(self);
let pst_eval = pst::evaluate(self);
let pawns_eval = pawns::evaluate(self, phtable, stats);
let eval = material_eval + pst_eval + pawns_eval;
let sign = -((color as i16) * 2 - 1);
sign * eval.taper_score(self.game_phase) + params::TEMPO
pub fn recalculate_incremental_values(&mut self) {
pub fn is_repetition_draw(&self, threshold: i32) -> bool {
if self.state_stack.len() < 6 || self.null_moves > 0 {
return false;
let mut repetitions_count = 1;
let from = self.state_stack.len().saturating_sub(self.state.halfmove_clock as usize);
let to = self.state_stack.len() - 1;
for hash_index in ( {
assert_fast!(hash_index < self.state_stack.len());
if self.state_stack[hash_index].hash == self.state.hash {
repetitions_count += 1;
if repetitions_count >= threshold {
return true;
pub fn is_fifty_move_rule_draw(&self) -> bool {
if self.null_moves > 0 {
return false;
self.state.halfmove_clock >= 100
pub fn is_insufficient_material_draw(&self) -> bool {
let pawns_bb = self.pieces[WHITE][PAWN] | self.pieces[BLACK][PAWN];
let pawns_count = pawns_bb.bit_count();
if self.game_phase <= 2 && pawns_count == 0 {
if (self.occupancy[WHITE] | self.occupancy[BLACK]).bit_count() == 2 {
return true;
let light_pieces_bb = self.pieces[WHITE][KNIGHT] | self.pieces[WHITE][BISHOP] | self.pieces[BLACK][KNIGHT] | self.pieces[BLACK][BISHOP];
let light_pieces_count = light_pieces_bb.bit_count();
if light_pieces_count == 1 {
return true;
if light_pieces_count == 2 {
let white_bishops_bb = self.pieces[WHITE][BISHOP];
let black_bishops_bb = self.pieces[BLACK][BISHOP];
if white_bishops_bb != 0 && black_bishops_bb != 0 {
let all_bishops_bb = white_bishops_bb | black_bishops_bb;
if (all_bishops_bb & WHITE_SQUARES_BB) == all_bishops_bb || (all_bishops_bb & BLACK_SQUARES_BB) == all_bishops_bb {
return true;
pub fn get_pieces_count(&self) -> u8 {
(self.occupancy[WHITE] | self.occupancy[BLACK]).bit_count() as u8
pub fn get_instant_move(&mut self) -> Option<Move> {
if !self.is_king_checked(self.stm) {
return None;
let mut moves = [MaybeUninit::uninit(); engine::MAX_MOVES_COUNT];
let moves_count = self.get_all_moves(&mut moves, u64::MAX);
assert_fast!(moves_count < engine::MAX_MOVES_COUNT);
let mut evading_moves_count = 0;
let mut evading_move = Move::default();
for r#move in &moves[0..moves_count] {
let r#move = unsafe { r#move.assume_init() };
if !self.is_king_checked(self.stm ^ 1) {
evading_moves_count += 1;
evading_move = r#move;
if evading_moves_count > 1 {
return None;
if evading_moves_count == 1 {
return Some(evading_move);
pub fn get_tablebase_move(&self, probe_limit: u32) -> Option<(Move, i16)> {
tablebases::get_tablebase_move(self, probe_limit)
pub fn to_fen(&self) -> String {
pub fn to_epd(&self) -> String {
impl Default for Board {
fn default() -> Self {
Board {
pieces: [[0; 6], [0; 6]],
occupancy: [0; 2],
piece_table: [u8::MAX; 64],
stm: WHITE,
null_moves: 0,
game_phase: 0,
fullmove_number: 1,
state: BoardState {
halfmove_clock: 0,
castling_rights: CastlingRights::NONE,
en_passant: 0,
hash: 0,
pawn_hash: 0,
captured_piece: 0,
pst_score: PackedEval::default(),
state_stack: Vec::new(),
pawn_attacks: [0; 2],
impl Display for Board {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.to_fen())
impl BoardState {
pub fn new(halfmove_clock: u16, castling_rights: u8, en_passant: u64, hash: u64, pawn_hash: u64, captured_piece: u8, pst_score: PackedEval) -> BoardState {
BoardState { halfmove_clock, castling_rights, en_passant, hash, pawn_hash, captured_piece, pst_score }